Discover Beyorch — Empowering Your Investment Journey with Innovation and Integrity


Our powerful mission is to deliver consistent, high-growth returns through strategic investments in cash-flow-positive businesses, for the betterment of our clients financial future.


Our vision is to redefine wealth creation by empowering investors with innovative, secure, and impactful opportunities that shape our human experience and future.


Integrity, transparency, and innovation guide every decision we make, ensuring long-term success and trust with our investors.

True wealth isn't just about accumulating money — it's about creating lasting value that thrives globally across generations

Dré Villeroy
Chief Executive Officer

Our Tech Stack

Powered by AWS, Moxo, Plaid, Stacker for secure, scalable, and seamless solutions.

Meet our Team

Dré Villeroy, CEO

The Founder and chief executive officer of Beyorch, with over 20 years of business experience, Dré Villeroy drives the company’s mission of sustainable wealth growing the company’s assets under management to over $10 billion (AUM). Prior to starting Beyorch, Dré Villeroy has structured, acquired, and exited several business totaling several millions of dollars.

Richard Lofton, CFO

Reporting to the CEO, Lofton focuses on the company’s diversifying assets, and overall financial strategy. With over 20 years of experience in the private equity and hedge fund sector, Lofton has grown 9 figure businesses, increasing profit margins and lowering cost of acquisitions.

Byron Ravenell, CRO

Reports to CEO, in charge of risk management focused on ensuring maxing return on investments while operating within safe risk parameters. Prior to Beyorch, Byron held a senior role as a key research analyst at Dow Jones & Company, building custom indexes, and calculated valuations, and competitor analysis reducing risk exposure to multiple billions of dollars of company assets, reporting to the CEO, and COO.

Kenny Bereal, CDO

Reports to CEO, and spearheads Beyorch’s digital strategy and innovation department. Prior to Beyorch, Bereal ran a multi million dollar consulting enterprise, securing partnerships with Beyoncé, Chris Brown, Madonna and many more. Bereal has boasted more than 50 million record sales, and garnered grammy, billboard, stellar, and Emmy awards.

Trish Brown, Advisor

Previously held COO, and now acts as an advisory to the CEO. Trish brown was awarded the western Wayne NAACP “great expectations” award for her work on behalf of minorities in 2012. Brown lobbied political parties in Wayne county and also raised over $2 billion dollars in her career.

Scott Monty, Advisor

A fortune 10 leader, previously held an executive role for Ford Motor company helping to to turn the business around with the ability to merge technology with humanity. Serves as an executive coach to the CEO, helping with internal and external communications and operations.

Michael Wieser, General Counsel

Spearheading the company’s legal affairs by ensuring compliance and operational efficiency. Wieser has partnered, built, and exited several multi million dollar companies. Ensured legal compliance with the SEC, FTC, and other governments.

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